Parenting Never Ends

(Photo: <a href=

More things have recently happened with my own boys aged 20 and 21 (which I will expound on in a later post and sorry this is not a picture of us) that have made me realize that our job as a parent never ends. Even though my children are in college, things still happen in their lives that require me to parent. I thought I was  done!! (OK, mostly done.)

I’ve been analyzing how I’ve been dealing with the issues. I realized I was angry that ”their” issues were pulling me away from the projects and time I had set aside for ”me”. They’re out of the house and away at college, so isn’t it “my” time now? I had to remind myself that I willingly and excitedly signed up for this job as a parent. And, my deepest desire is to do the best job I possibly can to raise them. My “job” isn’t done and I needed to deal with my own stuff or I would drive myself crazy. (Plus, when I asked my Mom about it, she just laughed. Yes, she had to be there for me when I was their same age. Not necessarily as much, but she is still parenting today when I am in my late 40’s!)

Running a business is easier for me than parenting. So I thought, “How could I apply business principles to shift the situation?”  Just like at work, being a parent is a managerial role. My desire as a “manager” is to have a healthy and functional department, meanwhile enjoying the job I do.

So…here are three things I’ve decided to do:

  1. Change my own attitude. I love my kids and they are still in a “growing up” season of life. They still need me and my influence.  Who didn’t learn huge life lessons at age 20? At work we mentor our team, seeing myself as a mentor I think will be helpful.
  2. Make time on my calendar. Even though they don’t physically live at home anymore while they are in school, I need to make time for them so I don’t resent the interruption. If I decide to give the time to them, I’ll be less frustrated overall. I plan to test a few scenarios.
  3. Have an appropriate plan. Since my job isn’t over, I need to strategically decide the best way to influence and guide them proactively. I shouldn’t be waiting for an issue to arise and then handle it.

This quote from an unknown source is helpful. Concentrate on: What you can do, not what you can’t do. 

I’ll keep you posted on our progress and the details for how I make my plan work. Until then, my acceptance that parenting never ends and that I still have a valuable job to do, has relieved some internal stress. I have a job to do. That I can do.

Have an effective day!

Debbie 🙂

Visualize a positive new year!

Visual pictures can do wonders for our disposition and outlook. I took this picture on January 1st from Villa Caletas in Costa Rica. It is the visual image I plan to use for 2010 when I need to go to my “peaceful place” and recharge.

Costa Rican sunset

For me, when I close my eyes and see this place, I remember my thought, “Is this a slice of heaven?”

What picture will you use to help inspire or move you forward in 2010?

When Nothing You Do Seems Right

Do you ever have those days when you feel like you can never win? Like you can’t do anything right, especially at home? Things are going pretty good at work. You have a handle on the issues and the stress of juggling it all. Then out of the blue, you get shocked by an ugly response your child had to an action you took at home. You did something and didn’t consult them first because it didn’t occur to you they had a say in the decision. After all, you are the parent and they are the child. It can be devastating, especially if you didn’t see it coming. It rocks your entire world and now affects your ability to focus at work.

Note: When it’s from a young adult child it can rock us even more. On the outside they can be so social and confident but on the inside they are insecure and selfish. We think we’ve raised them to come and calmly talk out an issue if they have a problem. When they don’t, especially when it involves us, we are hurt. We’ve got to give them some grace though, as they are growing up and don’t see the complete picture. The world still primarily revolves around them in their reality. We all know we went through this stage ourselves. If you aren’t sure, just ask your mother!

Now back to how we should respond. It isn’t healthy or productive to too often let issues like this affect us so dramatically. (I say “too often” because we are human with feelings and it will happen occasionally!) The main thing to be careful about, is that we do not assume the responsibility for the (over)reaction of our children, especially our older children. Every responsible parent I know truly has the best interests of their children at heart. We are good parents. (Yup, I count myself in the honored yet sometimes doubting group!) Our kids may will not always see that.

So, after you let it go with a good cry or some heavy duty exercise (no heavy drinking please even though that wine looks inviting), what can you do? One thing that works for me is to ask myself this question…

“Even though I hurt, did I truly do the right thing?”

Even through the tears (which happens because we care), your gut will have an answer. Listen to it. Go quickly and get feedback from another responsible parent (aka, the “network”) if you must. If you decide you did nothing wrong, then don’t rush to apologize when an apology isn’t appropriate. Instead, say something like: “I understand. I love you and am sorry you don’t think I do anything right. I’m doing the best I can.”

Do not wait for or expect a response. The hope is that they will get it someday. Trust in your efforts to raise an effective child. I believe they will if you’re doing your job.

Stand firm and know that there are other parents going through the same issue. One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is to understand they do not have to be involved in every decision. And, in life, they never will be. Then, try your best to focus back on work so you can bring home the bacon!

Thanks for letting me share with you. If you’ve got something to add, please do!

How to make the right decision? Start with trust.

Trust. This issue has come up a few times this week, for both me and others.  Especially, how do you trust yourself to make the right decisions?

What should I say to my kids so they will get this life lesson? How much do I open up to my spouse about my internal struggles without overwhelming them? Should I even mention to a co-worker or staff person that the story she is telling me has been repeated a thousand times in her life? What should I write about? Making choices and decisions in life starts with trust.

Trust is both a scary and powerful word. Scary because we have to let go of our need to control the outcome. We have to make a decision, even if it is to just let the outcome unfold by itself. Heck, we might be wrong. (But again, we might be right too!) Scary because we have to listen to our self. But trust is also powerful. Powerful because it reeks with benefits such as peace of mind and calmness just knowing that we aren’t stressing over making a decision. We can focus on other issues in life and not dwell on this one.

This quote from Walter Anderson struck a chord with me: “We’re never so vulnerable than when we trust someone – but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy”.

When we trust, we have to give something away. We have to become vulnerable and open ourselves up for failure. What we often forget is that we are also opening ourselves up for success. Why do we focus on the negative so much? From my research, this is a learned behavior. It is an internal mechanism for protecting ourselves from harm. In reality, we are shutting out the opportunity for happiness and joy to come into our lives more quickly.

Here are some ideas I personally use to help myself trust more quickly and completely. Maybe they will be helpful for you. (Trust me; this is a work in process!)

  • Ask for divine guidance. Stop and ask for input. It’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help. Do this sooner in the process too. Do it right away when you begin to struggle with a decision. For me, this helps remind myself that I am not alone in this world and someone else has a grand plan defined for me. I personally don’t have to have all the answers. There is an immediate sense of less stress. It is amazing how I get input or a sense of direction most of the time – when I stop to ask.


  • Just make a decision. There is no right or wrong. There is just a decision. The goal is some forward movement instead of stagnation. I ask myself “What is the worst thing that can happen?” Trying to visualize the very worst often makes me laugh because it really isn’t as bad as that nagging feeling I have inside. The struggle seems smaller now and I can trust myself to handle the worst case. You can handle the outcome and will deal with whatever comes your way. Heck, it might be great!


  • Give praise. Right away – not later – acknowledge you stepped out in trust. Don’t wait! You did something. For me, I smile and say “I’m proud of you.” I have a tendency to always be looking ahead and I don’t stop to acknowledge the effort it took to get there. This goes a long way in your confidence for making future decisions more confidently. If you need positive reinforcement, then the others around you need it too. Tell your kids, spouses and co-workers when you see them trusting in themselves and making decisions. Verbally saying it to them is great, but email and text messages work too!


Trusting yourself to make the right decision is a process. You just need to start. Start with yourself.

If this post struck a chord with you, then share your thoughts. Please share what works for you or what your struggles are. We can help each other.

Have an effective day!

Debbie 🙂

The Circle of Life

At some point we are all going to die. My grandfather, Harry Lohman, passed away this week. Grandpa was 92 and had recently
Debbie and her Grandpa

Debbie and her Grandpa

developed a form of cancer. There is a small part of me that is sad. The sadness I get when anyone dies. But, for the most part, I’m at peace. My grandpa had a long and fruitful life. Heck, he lived for 92 years! He knew he would be going to heaven to be with my grandmother so he wasn’t afraid. When I called to speak with him a few days ago I could hear him singing in his bass voice “Oh
Tannenbaum.” I will forever tie that song and my Grandpa together.


Last night, I actually had a dream (and I don’t often dream) where he and my grandmother were happily dancing together, all dressed in white. My Grandpa had a huge smile on his face and was humming some song. While often serious, as engineers can be, to me,  my Grandpa always had a smile and a twinkle in his eye. I like to think that is where I get my smile from. 🙂

My Grandpa was a total supporter of family. He left five wonderful children and a ton of grand and great-children. (I’m the eldest granchild.) My Mom and three Aunts are some of the strongest and most accomplished women I know.  The “Lohman clan” as I call them, is a hoot. Get togethers are fun, filled with food and wine (my grandfather tinkered with a small vineyard) and mostly filled with love. Don’t get me wrong, like every other family, the Lohman’s squabble too from time to time. But, underneath it all is the continual feeling of “family”. Of being there for each other, no matter what.

Albert Einstein said, “Our death is not an end if we can live on in our children and the younger generation.  For they are us, our bodies are only wilted leaves on the tree of life.” I know my grandfather lives on in me.

There is a circle of life. A flow to the universe that was created.  Hug your family and close friends. Enjoy them while you have them near you. All things must come to an end, sometime. Someday they will be gone. When they are gone, fondly remember what they left for you. When you see me, you’ll know where the smile came from.

I love you Grandpa.

Debbie 🙂

I have a question…

One of my core beliefs is: Good, clean humor is essential in life and can often take the focus off our own situation, if even for a moment. There are times when we really need this! Laughing is good for your health and well-being. Enjoy this one on me!
I received this in an email from my good friend Sissy and it really makes you wonder!


  •  If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea, does that mean that one out of five enjoys it?
  • Why do croutons come in airtight packages? Aren’t they just stale bread to begin with?
  • If it’s true that we are here to help others,then what exactly are the others here for?
  • What hair color do they put on the driver’s licenses of bald men?
  • Is it true that you never really learn to swear until you learn to drive?

– – – –

If you have any more fun questions to ponder in life, add a comment!

With a big smile,


Being thankful — getting the word out

I am thankful for...
I’m thankful for you.

When was the last time you said this?

Here in the US, we’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving later this week. It is the perfect time to reflect on gratitude. Gratitude is the feeling of thankfulness and appreciation. It is more of an attitude than anything else. When we are in a grateful state it allows us to be more humble and less self-centered, even for just a moment. Naomi Williams says, “It is impossible to feel grateful and depressed in the same moment.”

I know this year has been hard for many of us. This makes it even more difficult to remain positive and look forward with some optimism. But do this we must. If not, you fall into the abyss and stop moving forward. If we look hard enough we can always find something positive to be thankful for. Watch the TV, read the news or listen to co-worker. There is always someone out there who seems to be a bit worse off than we are.

So how can we quickly and inexpensively start showing our gratitude? It’s a two step process.

Step 1: Choose someone. In order to have a balanced life, we need to be grateful for both our self AND the others on our team. Choosing to focus on one OR the other isn’t good. It doesn’t make us a good leader. A good leader has a healthy sense of self and respect for the others around them.

Start with yourself. If you can’t feel good about you, you certainly won’t be as effective with others. This is hard for people who have been taught to disregard their own needs. Then move onto others around you – an individual on your team, a group of folks who perform a function for you or even an association you belong to. The list is endless. Who do you need to choose? Just choose someone.

Step 2: Tell them. I didn’t say “think” about why you’re thankful for someone; I said “tell” them. If you thought step one was hard, this is even harder. You know how good you feel when someone tells you something good about yourself. So get crackin’ – tell the someone you picked in step 1! Telling can be in the form of a verbal conversation or written in a note or email.

So why don’t we do it? Communicating with someone is uncomfortable, even if it is good news. It also takes effort. We can get so busy with the details of life and work; we don’t make the time to tell people what is on our minds. We see Joe spent extra time to get a job out to a client or notice that Sally highlighted the A/P report this month to save review time, yet we say nothing, except to ourselves. How silly is that? It certainly doesn’t help to build up our team. (Of course we can be quick to tell them what they’re doing wrong!)

Every good parenting book tells you to emphasize “what’s right” with our kids. The same goes for everyone in our work life. Start looking for what someone is doing well and tell them. It sounds so easy but it isn’t.

Here are some quick tips to support you:

  • Keep a Gratitude List or journal. Update it regularly, on a daily basis if you can. This will help you stop and make the time to look back over your day for something you feel thankful for. Plus, you will remember the event to thank “the someone” involved.
  • Re-read your list as necessary. Being a small business owner can be lonely. We need to tell ourselves what we accomplished because no one else will. J
  • Write a heartfelt note. It usually has greater impact than a quick verbal statement. It doesn’t have to be long. It can be an email but a handwritten note is better since it is more personal. If I’m sending to a group of people and want to say basically the same words to each person, I use an online service called SendOutCards (contact me for details). Or, I create a master note and then copy it as I write each person’s card. The main goal is to communicate.
  • Get company note cards with your logo on it. If they’re small you’ll have to keep it short!
  • Not sure what to say? Complete the statement, “I am thankful for you because…” Or Google “thankful quotes” and start with a quote. Here is one of my favorites.

Leave this post knowing I am thankful for YOU! I appreciate you stopping by to read and learn.

What and who are you thankful for?