Visualize a positive new year!

Visual pictures can do wonders for our disposition and outlook. I took this picture on January 1st from Villa Caletas in Costa Rica. It is the visual image I plan to use for 2010 when I need to go to my “peaceful place” and recharge.

Costa Rican sunset

For me, when I close my eyes and see this place, I remember my thought, “Is this a slice of heaven?”

What picture will you use to help inspire or move you forward in 2010?

Say "thank you" to those who serve

As we celebrate Veteran’s Day here in the United States, it is a good time to reflect and show gratitude to those who serve, or have served, our country. It is SO easy to just walk by someone in uniform and not acknowledge them. No matter what we think about war, these people put their lives on the line for us. They should be told “thank you”. This video caught my heart and will show you how. It helped me to not only think again about those serving in the military, but to remember how important it is to show gratitude to anyone who is in service. It’s so simple. Watch…

My special prayers to those serving our country right now. God bless you.

Did this strike a chord with you? How do you let those around you who serve, know you are grateful?